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E-SantAnnaCommunity: more than 200k euros for the new project financed by Regione Toscana against the digital divide to optimize instruments for distance educational methodologies and blended learning. Open call for 30 part-time collaborations

Publication date: 07.11.2021
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“E-SantAnnaCommunity” begins. The project aimes to take down the digital divide. It is finance within the framework of the notice from the Regione Toscana: “FSC Measure - Projects in support of university attendance in the context of the covid health emergency”. More than 200k euros meant to create new initiatives to facilitate and to encourage the participation to the courses granted in "distance teaching" or "blended" ("mixed") mode, as a result of the ongoing health care situation.

As part of the project, 30 collaborative relationships are expected to be activated. The call for Honours and Masters Students is open in compliance with the regulations of the training activities of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna.

The call has already been published in the section reserved for Honours Students and the project activities will soon start and is also available in the attachment.